Reframing “I can handle it”: 3 Steps to Empowerment

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2023

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed, struggling with a situation, and then uttering those words, "I can handle it"? It's a phrase commonly used by high achievers, deep feelers, and intellectuals who are facing challenges. But let's take a moment to reevaluate this phrase and explore how we can empower ourselves by reframing our approach. In this blog post, we'll delve into the meaning of "handle," discuss its implications, and discover three steps to release the pressure and embrace a more effective mindset.

Let’s start by defining Handle:

  1. Noun: A handle refers to a part of an instrument or tool that is designed to be held or manipulated by the hand. It provides a means to control or operate the tool effectively.
  2. Verb: As a verb, "handle" means to deal with, manage, or cope with a situation, task, or challenge. It implies taking responsibility or control over something and finding a way to address or resolve it.

In the context of the blog post, we primarily focus on the verb form of "handle," exploring the concept of releasing the grip and shifting our approach to better navigate difficulties and empower ourselves.

Step 1: Identify Your Current State

When you catch yourself saying, "I can handle it," it's crucial to recognize that something is amiss. This acknowledgment marks the first step towards a positive change. Instead of dismissing your struggles or overwhelming emotions, embrace them as signals that your attention is required. By acknowledging your current state, you open the door to growth and transformation.

Step 2: Release the Grip and Connect with Your Body

Consider the alternative meaning of "handle" – a tool or instrument that is released, set down, or let go. Instead of maintaining a tight grip on the situation, try releasing the pressure and connecting with your body. Notice where you may be holding tension – it could be in your hands, jaw, shoulders, or even your lower back. Listen to the wisdom of your body's sensations, which often communicate messages of fatigue, stress, or unease. By tuning in, you gain valuable insights into what your mind and body are trying to tell you.

Step 3: Embrace Compassion and Allowance

Once you've identified the areas of tension and listened to the messages from your body, it's time to ask yourself a crucial question: What do you need in this moment to release the pressure and stop forcing things? Instead of approaching the situation with relentless determination, invite compassion and a sense of allowance. Recognize that it's okay to ask for help, seek support, or take a step back to regain balance and clarity. By shifting from force to flow, you create space for new perspectives and opportunities to emerge.

Next time you catch yourself saying, "I can handle it," pause and reconsider your approach. Remember that gripping tightly onto a situation often leads to exhaustion and a loss of effectiveness. Instead, follow these three steps: acknowledge your current state, release the grip, and embrace compassion and allowance. By reframing your perspective and tapping into the intelligence of your body and mind, you can navigate challenges with newfound wisdom and resilience.

If you find yourself needing assistance with this process or require guidance in interpreting the messages from your body and mind, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to support you on your journey toward empowerment and a more balanced approach. You can connect with me through direct messages or by emailing me at [email protected]. Remember, you get to have support! 


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