$20.00 USD


You know that weird space you find yourself in so frequently these days?  Where you can't decide if you are overwhelmed or bored or BOTH?


Overwhelm and boredom are symptoms of the real problem. You can't hustle your way out of overwhelm, despite what the patriarchy tells you. And you can't Netflix and wine your way out of boredom. 


There's something else at play here. You ready to hear it?


Your boundaries suck.


In the BIG BOLD BOUNDARIES Challenge, you'll learn:

  • Why simply HAVING boundaries is NOT going to cut it long term

  • HOW to identify WHERE your boundaries are being breached

  • WHEN to have boundaries conversations (it's NOT what you think)

You'll get 6 days of training with worksheets.  Each day contains a mindset, toolset, and skillset.

**A portion of all sales will be donated to one When You Lead's philanthropic designations, Kiva!