Episode 5: Zoomed Out

Season #1

Are you so sick and freakin’ tired of being on Zoom calls and having back-to-back meetings and feeling like you can never take a freaking break?

I have a solution for you! And it has everything to do with the Hubble telescope. Yep. For real.

In this episode I share:

  •  The difference between outdated leadership that is performed all the time without a break vs updated leadership which makes room for resting and rejuvenation
  •  What we can learn from the Hubble telescope when it comes to leadership
  •  The benefits of not being so busy

As you're navigating the shift and the healing process between outdated leadership and updated leadership, I know that it can be challenging. Just know that you’re not alone. I want you to take the brave step to reach out to me and my team. We are a crew, made up of embodied strength centered leaders who are doing this work. We have multiple ways for you to join our community in the resources below.

About Heidi Metro

I'm Heidi Metro ("Mee-tro"), Visionary & CEO of When You Lead. I'm really glad you're here.

If you're reading this, you're someone who's ambitious AND has a soft heart. Who feels deeply AND kicks ass. Who has a desire to feel, love, heal AND a desire to LEAD.

And you may FEEL lonely. Like it's not possible. Like it doesn't really matter.


Our team is proof positive that you can LEAD in an UPDATED WAY! We WALK OUR TALK every single day.

The world needs you to lead. To CO-LEAD with others like you. Like us. Not tomorrow. Not when you've got it all figured out.

Right. Now.

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