Vision & Values
Our Big Vision: To use our unique qualities and strengths to effect change on a micro level to create a culture of systemic equity on a macro level.
We believe traditional leadership models are outdated! We help leaders reimagine leadership from the center out instead of from the top down. We bring common language into your company culture, increasing communication, satisfaction, efficiency, and impact.
Our goal: It's simple...we want everyone to win! Creating a strengths-based and inclusive culture results in wins for the organization, the leaders, and the entire team!

Who We Work With
We work with leaders and organizations who are eager to learn, committed to deepening listening skills, cultivating curiosity, and who are dedicated to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture of belonging.
How We Work
- We meet with the team leader to understand your goals and overview of the current team dynamic. We are leader-centered. We understand that leaders can often have a sense of isolation. We understand this!
- We start by making recommendations for level setting language by using our toolbox of assessments and Indexes. This create a sense of purpose and cohesion.
- We teach and guide you as you implement the LEAD Method philosophy into your organization, thus updating your leadership style and enhancing team culture.

Updated Leadership Outcomes
Outdated Leadership is EXPENSIVE!
- Outdated Leadership practices cap both income and impact
- Decreased engagement is contagious
- Burnout kills creativity
- High turnover leads to a destabilized culture and squashes growth
- Unnecessary and UNPRODUCTIVE meetings breeds frustration
- The untapped potential of talented people causes stagnation and confusion
- Outdated leadership ripples out into organizations, communities, and systems

- Increased productivity because your team is actually working in their strengths and enjoying what they do
- Reduced workplace drama because teams are working with a win/win framework that offers a co-leadership model
- An empowered team making decisions within their strengths and taking aligned action
- Ability to have difficult conversations at work (and at home)
- An equitable team that celebrates diversity and prioritizes inclusion & belonging
- The ripple effect of updated leadership will positively impact organizations, communities, and systems

Next Steps
➥ Watch the two short videos below then connect with us!
Get to know When You Lead a little better!
Learn more about the LEAD Method and the Kolbe A Index!